
Monday, July 25, 2011

Front Legs

There are many stages of life. For us, they are marked by significant events that show the world that we are different "now" than who we were "before". There is the stage where you get to stay home alone. Then, you get your driver's permit. About this time, your parents start showing an increase in their pre-mature graying, or start to dye their hair. You know how the rest of this story plays out.

Well, those of us who do not have children of our own, may not ever experience these life stages. We can look towards are pets, but dogs are subtle in their development. You swear that you never noticed when they stopped looking like a jangly pup and began to look like a regal dog. The fish in our tanks, well, they don't do anything but swim around. Honestly, if they don't die, I'm happy.

Today I had my chance to witness my second life stage in my little frog's life. The baby tadpole wiggled out of its jelly sack. That meant I had to transition it to its very own "tad cup". Now it has a little studio apartment with high ceilings, some greenery and fallen leaf decor. Another transition that occurred today was the observance of real front legs in the larger tadpole. It now has four legs, two in front, and two in back. I can also see spots on its body. It looks just barely like it will look in a few weeks, but I can see where it's going on how its going to get where it is.

This is a great transition for me to witness. I'm not saying it compares to having a human baby, but it's really fun and pretty cool to watch mama nature doin' her thing.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Feng Shui at the end of summer

Today I am motivated. Today feels like I have purpose. I will embrace that feeling.
I found a site that shares information on how to bring feng shui to your life. It's funny that the person who wrote the blog is a teacher. I am struggling not to search the blog to find out how the author "escaped" from teaching. I think that this has as much to do with the coming to an end of my summer as it has to do with my feelings about being a teacher.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Priscilla's Eggs

I met a wonderful lady, Becky H. when I put out a request for left-over aquarium equipment on a list serve I am a part of. She responded with an invite to check out her basement full of aquarium stuff and take what I wanted. There was a condition though, that I would check out her frogs. I thought that I would Brendan along for this. I wasn't sure what we would find. Then I met Becky and her frogs. She was right, I fell in love with these critters.
Short story: I ended up coming home with 6 eggs. They're in a plastic container with abit of paper towel that is soaked in spring water. the date on the post-it is 7/6. These are, what Becky calls, Priscillas.

I made a mistake at the beginning of the journey in the first two days. I put the frog eggs on the front porch. I was worried that the house was too cold and that they would die. Later that day, I could tell that 4 of the 6 eggs were dead. (They had a white/gray nodule on them. Becky had warned me that this was an indication that the frog eggs had died.) I used a wooden skewer to separate them from the live eggs and removed them from the container. Needless to say, the eggs came back inside and as I checked them, nothing else was turning white!

I looked at them every day. Every day they looked like little black dots in jelly. I hadn't looked at them in a day or two and yesterday (7/14) when I  peered at them, I was surprised and excited. The eggs have turned into tadpoles. They're very tiny tadpoles, but they have a tail and a big yolk (that's what I'll call it).

I'm ready for the next stage of education. How to care for developing poison dart tadpoles.

The first thing I learned from watching this video was that I could have left the "bad eggs" with the "good eggs". Surprisingly, these eggs, even though they looked "bad", may have actually been viable. In addition, the good and bed eggs would not have cross-contaminated each other. Interesting. I wonder why?

According to the videos from Black Jungle, I will be watching for the tadpoles to use up their egg sac and escaping their jelly sacs. I will need to put them into a container with water, that is either reverse osmosis or distilled. They suggest that I put in a black water supplement that adds tanins to the water to minimize fungal infections. I am ready to get their new home prepared. The tadpoles were noticed on July 14, 2011. I wonder how fast the rest of their progression will occur?!

Friday, July 1, 2011

fear is Nothing.

Fear is a menace
that lurks in the path of life,
always felt and present in the hearts and minds of timid souls.
It's the tool of tyranny.
Born of ignorance
and nursed upon misguided thoughts,
fear has darkened more hopes,
stifled more ambitions,
prevented more accomplishments
than history can record.
Fear assumes a multiplicity of disguises.
It masquerades as caution,
it is sometimes known as conservatism,
but whatever the appelation,
it is still fear- the obstacle of achievement.
Of itsef, fear has no power
except that which the human mind thrusts upon it;
and that power vanishes completely
when the light of understanding
reveals the facts as they really are
fear is NOTHING.
It was a writing taken from a friend, who's friend gave it to him, and a friend gave to him. According the web, there are a couple of variations out there. It's awesome in any one of those variations. I have no idea who the author is, other than to say, it is not me!